Here are the Corona California real estate market statistics for January 2025. The average sales price for homes in Corona was $793,001, on average homes sold for 98.1% of their list price. The average days on market were 52 days. There were 250 active listings with 78 new listings and 141 homes sold. The highest priced sale in Corona this year is 1264 DUXBURY CIR. which sold for $3,500,000. Inventory is at 1.9 months. There is a -1.1% decrease in average sales price over this sametime in 2024
Here are the 92879 Zip Codereal estate market statistics for January 2025.The average sales price for homes in 92879was $676,340, on average homes sold for 99% of their list price. The average days on market were 33days. There were 32 active listings with 15 new listings and 20 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92879 Zip Codethis year is 788 BRIANNA WAYwhich sold for $1,160,000. Inventory is at 1.5 months. There is a –13.3% decreasein average sales price over this same time in 2024.
Here are the 92880 Zip Codereal estate market statistics for January 2025.The average sales price for homes in 92880was $908,424, on average homes sold for 96.7% of their list price. The average days on market were 36 days. There were 51 active listings with 16new listings and 29homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92880 Zip Codethis year is 7856 HALL AVE.which sold for $1,300,000. Inventory is at 1.9month. There is a +.1%increasein average sales price over this same time in 2024.
Here are the 92881 Zip Codereal estate market statistics for January 2025.The average sales price for homes in 92881was $1,040,158, on average homes sold for 98% of their list price. The average days on market were35days. There were 36active listings with 14 new listings and 19 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92881 Zip Codethis year is4096 LESTER.which sold for $3,500,000. Inventory is at 2months. There is a -1.1 %decreasein average sales price over this same time in 2024.
Here are the 92882 Zip Codereal estate market statistics for January 2025.The average sales price for homes in 92882was $777,909, on average homes sold for 97.9% of their list price. The average days on market were 36 days. There were 55 active listings with 20 new listings and 39 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92882 Zip Codethis year is 1264 DUXBURY CIR.which sold for $3,500,000. Inventory is at 1.5months. There is a +4.4%increasein average sales price over this same time in 2024.
Here are the 92883 Zip Codereal estate market statistics for January 2025.The average sales price for homes in 92883was $763,856, on average homes sold for 98% of their list price. The average days on market were 75days. There were 140 active listings with 32 new listings and 60 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92883 Zip Codethis year is 8184SOFT WINDS Dr. which sold for $1,500,000. Inventory is at 2.6 months. There is a +5.4%increasein average sales price over this same time in 2024.
The Muro Group
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4160 Temescal Canyon Rd, Suite 500,
Corona, CA 92883
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