The average sales price for homes in Corona was $678,200, on average homes sold for 97.1% of their list price. The average days on market were 42 days. There were 270 active listings with 104 new listings and 84 homes sold. The highest priced sale in Corona this year is 2536 BULRUSH CIR. which sold for $1,100,000. Inventory is at 2 months. There is a -4.9 decrease in average sales price over this same time in 2022.
92879 Zip Code
The average sales price for homes in 92879 was $591,808, on average homes sold for 99.3% of their list price. The average days on market were 21 days. There were 57 active listings with 18 new listings and 13 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92879 Zip Code this year is 827 BAGHDADY ST. which sold for $1,025,000. Inventory is at 2.2 months. There is a -9.9 decrease in average sales price over this same time in 2022.
92880 Zip Code
The average sales price for homes in 92880 was $776,475 on average homes sold for 93.8% of their list price. The average days on market were 58 days. There were 74 active listings with 34 new listings and 20 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92880 Zip Code this year is 13723 DEERPATH CIRCLE which sold for $965,000. Inventory is at 2.3 months. There is a -10.3% decrease in average sales price over this same time in 2022.
92881 Zip Code
The average sales price for homes in 92881 was $704,369, on average homes sold for 97.9% of their list price. The average days on market were 40 days. There were 40 active listings with 18 new listings and 16 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92881 Zip Code this year is 3953 HOLLY SPRINGS DR. which sold for $1,025,000. Inventory is at 1.7 months. There is a -7.7% decrease in average sales price over this same time in 2022.
92882 Zip Code
The average sales price for homes in 92882 was $713,052, on average homes sold for 96.7% of their list price. The average days on market were 58 days. There were 76 active listings with 31 new listings and 27 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92882 Zip Code this year is 2536 BULRUSH CIR. which sold for $1,100,000. Inventory is at 1.7 months. There is a +4.1% increase in average sales price over this same time in 2022.
92883 Zip Code
The average sales price for homes in 92883 was $687,815, on average homes sold for 95.8% of their list price. The average days on market were 43 days. There were 101 active listings with 36 new listings and 27 homes sold. The highest priced sale in the 92883 Zip Code this year is 11119 IRIS CT. which sold for $935,000. Inventory is at 2.5 months. There is a -8.5% decrease in average sales price over this same time in 2022.